Kady Hinojosa

A variety of things about me - Author, Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Master's degree in Management, retired now but was a Senior Business Analyst/Quality Assurance expert for financial websites, blogger, wife, step-mom, Grammy of six, cancer survivor, playing with my grandkids makes my day, family is everything, love to read suspense/thrillers, mysteries, romance, (but no horror), all Janet Evanovich, Nora Roberts, and J.D. Robb books, love cats, like dogs, exercise addict (walking, running, biking, golfing, hiking, swimming, boot camp, weights), very organized, balance finances to the penny (definitely anal about that), hard worker, love the military and their families-they rock!, Navy veteran married to a 26-yr Army aviator veteran (flew Apaches and Cobras), love men in uniform (especially my hubby), Texas Two-Stepper in Luckenbach, honest and kind, good sense of humor, travel is in my blood, volunteer in my community, math aficionado, enjoy helping others, enjoy making movies from pictures and videos for friends and family, a bit shy and semi-introverted, Heartland, Blue Bloods, Blacklist, Hallmark movies, crier for almost any reason watching movies/shows and singing National Anthem, admire Priscilla Shirer, not a coffee or alcohol drinker, cruising is a blast, scuba diver, not a fan of thunderstorms but love watching rain fall, a bit of a control freak, oldies but goodies and country music are my favorites…