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USPS and Other Deliveries

As promised, I have a funny story to tell about our move to South Carolina.

Our house closed on Dec 29th. We drove from TX to SC, arriving on the 28th so we could sign the papers the morning of the 29th. Since we made the long drive from Texas, we decided to stay for a week to get utilities transferred over to us, set up security, do all the change of addresses (a LONG chore!)...all of that kind of moving stuff.

About 3 days before we returned home, we received 2 small boxes for an unknown person. The last name wasn't the name of the sellers but we contacted our agent and asked her to reach out to the owners and ask. Maybe it was a friend or family member. Well, the sellers didn't know this person. I contacted USPS and gave them the tracking number of 1 of the boxes and they claimed it wasn't their tracking number.

Meanwhile, the day before we left for Texas 2 more small boxes arrived for this same person. I had too much to do before the long drive back to Texas so I decided that I'd deal with them when we moved permanently to SC in mid-February. We left them inside by the front door.

As mentioned above, our security system was set up before we returned to SC and there are cameras all around the house and at the front door. Over the next two weeks or so, I saw from the security cameras that more boxes were being delivered to our front door, only these were larger boxes. Our sweet real estate agent was kind enough to go to our house and check the boxes. All three were for this mystery woman (two were from FedEx and I didn't know who delivered the 3rd one).

I contacted FedEX and they came and picked up the 2 boxes they had delivered. I told both FedEx and USPS not to deliver boxes to our address for that mystery woman.

Now the 3rd large box had no tracking number on it but the return address had the company name so I looked them up and contacted them directly. Basically, they wanted me to jump through hoops in order for them to pick up the box. We weren't there, it wasn't possible. They never picked it up.

The box remained outside our front door until our return in mid-February. I'm happy to say that we live in a very safe neighborhood because all of these boxes were visible from the street and that last large box remained there for about a month until we returned.

We left the box outside on the front porch for a couple of weeks while we unpacked and took care of the business of moving into a new house. BTW, those 4 small boxes that I had left inside the house? I put them in our mailbox 1 at a time over the course of 4 days and the post office did pick them up (yay!).

We finally decided to open the box and see what was inside. The mystery woman obviously was never going to come and get it and the company who sent it wasn't inclined to pick it up either.

Keep in mind, this large box stood about 4 1/2 feet tall and was approx 2 feet square...and it was heavy! We cut through binds, pulled out those industrial staples and finally got it open at the top. We turned it on its side so Jose could pull it out while I held the bottom of the box.

What was inside? We stood it up and had no clue. It was a heavy plastic container that said Grow Box on the top. But there were no windows on this thing, it's not like we could grow tomatoes inside...tomatoes and other fruit and veggies need sunlight. It took us awhile to figure out how to open it and once we did the mystery was solved because there was paperwork about it inside.


You have understand something...I don't drink coffee or alcohol, I don't smoke cigarettes and I certainly don't smoke marijuana or do drugs of any kind.

I once went on a date with a friend from high school (we both attended Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA). His car had broken down so I drove (thank goodness!). He directed me to this remote area outside of town. Don't get me wrong. Matt was a really nice guy and I totally trusted him, no worries about safety or anything. Once parked, we had to walk about 1/4 mile down a hill to a SMALL one-room cabin. Everyone there was smoking joints and drinking beer! I couldn't believe it and I was super pissed that he actually thought I'd enjoy being there. Needless to say, I turned around, walked up that hill alone and drove home. Don't know how he got home, didn't care.

Anyway, back to my we had this grow box with paperwork inside about how to set up filters and how to subscribe to their marijuana service! That certainly explained why no one was claiming it.

Oh the irony that a grow box would be delivered erroneously to us! We had to laugh. But seriously, who gets package after package (from different mail services) for someone that doesn't live here, has never lived here, and never lived on our street? So bizarre!

I'm happy to say that we have not received any other packages for the mystery woman (or anyone else) and we have moved on from this crazy, funny, weird chapter of our move to South Carolina.

Hope you got a chuckle out of this. Every time I think of it, I smile! :)

Enjoy your day and HAPPY EASTER everyone!

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