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Road Trip 2020 - Part 5, Zion Nat'l Park


The last stop of our 2020 road trip was in SW Utah, Zion National Park. Wow! We couldn't have asked for a better ending to an already fabulous and amazing month-long trip. We were only there for 2 nights but went on one hike the first afternoon then the all-famous Narrows hike the next day.

The Narrows are 2 canyons separated by the Virgin River. The further in you walk, the narrower it gets. While there are times that you are walking on trails, for the most part you're traipsing through the river.

The water was no higher than our ankles, mostly. The highest it reached was my thighs. This hike was in September and the water was a brisk 60 degrees! Initially, it took my breath away, but I acclimated quickly. In the summer, the water can reach as high as your upper chest. Whew...I'm so glad we visited it in the fall. (LOL!)

The rock formations on the canyon walls were so beautiful and rose 1100 feet or higher!

We were one of the first to arrive and had the river to ourselves until we made the return trip and saw lots of folks heading up. It's a very different experience being alone in the Narrows vs having a crowd around you. I'm grateful we were able to experience both because it made me appreciate being there alone all the more.

If you ever have a chance to experience this spectacular park and the Narrows, specifically, do it! It's well worth the trip.

All in all, we traveled over 3600 miles in 26 days and explored Arizona, Nevada, California, and Utah. Truly an unforgettable trip and a fun (and safe) way to get out and about during the pandemic.

Wherever you are, I hope you have had a chance to step outside and enjoy God's glory that surrounds us, whether we live in the city or in the country, and whether we can take a trip around the country or just around the block. Take care and stay safe, friends.

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