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Out and About


It's been a fun couple of months getting out and about, meeting new people, and talking about #HuntedLives and the darker side of social media and gaming. I've loved every minute of it!

In May, I attended the Blanco Market Days (Blanco, TX), held the 1st Saturday of every month for about 8 months out of the year. Most small towns in the Texas Hill Country hold market days on various Saturdays of the month. Lots of crafts, lavender products, wood work, honey, a wide variety of goods. It's an enjoyable way to spend a couple hours of your day if you're ever in this next of the woods. The people I met were wonderful. In fact, I met the owner of the Rebecca Creek B&B in Spring Branch, and we're going to do a reading and signing event there in early December!

I did a book signing at the Boerne Bookshop in mid-June and, wow, that was amazing! The owner and event coordinator are wonderful and were so good to me. The people I met were enthusiastic and very kind. It was an incredible day! I'll be back there when the sequel comes out in the fall. :)

I also joined my community's book club meeting in June. They read my book and wanted me there to talk about it. We had the most invigorating conversation about everything from social media and gaming to my writing style and how I came up with the story. A delightful evening for sure!

Even though I am stepping out of my comfort zone by putting myself out there, I am so grateful that I'm doing it. I feel like I've grown so much and continue to do so. More than that, I've met amazing and kind people along the way.

When was the last time you stepped out of YOUR comfort zone? I challenge you to do so every once in awhile. It's worth it!

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